Exhibition - ARTchaeology - Shmuel Schelest
Opening of solo exhibition "ARTchaeology" of Shmuel Schelest - a talented and well-known painter from Jerusalem. This exhibition, like a portal of time, opens before us the biblical history of the Jewish people, captured in visual scrolls.

Time & Location
Jun 13, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+3 – Oct 01, 2024, 6:00 PM GMT+3
BoHouse, Shenhav St 153, Sha'ar Efraim, Israel
About the event
Opening: Thursday, June 13 at 19:00, 2024.
Closure: October 1th, 18:00
Admission ticket: 50 NIS. BIT on 052-5092193 or cash.
Location: Bohouse main gallery space. Shaar Efraim. Waze
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"ARTchaeology or Time Travel" an extraordinary solo exhibition of Shmuel Schelest - talented and well-known painter from Jerusalem.
This exhibition, like a portal of time, opens before us the biblical history of the Jewish people, captured in visual scrolls.
So it's not accidental, that we open this exhibition right after Shavuot holiday, which marks the revelation of the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai.
We live in a country where you can meet on the train someone, who looks like biblical Shulamith . At every loud rally you can find someone, who cries like Jeremiah. The descendants of Moses no longer build pyramids, but they do build skyscrapers. Unfortunately, we do not always have enough of the King Solomon’s wisdom, but nevertheless we have become not only a nation of the Book, but a Startup nation. And who knows, perhaps someone from the line of David, whom Jews have been waiting for thousands of years, is already going to one of our schools or kindergartens. We are surrounded by people who look like those, who lived on this land thousands of years ago.
The exhibition features three series of scrolls from the project named "Commentaries". In the Jewish tradition, it is customary to comment on the texts of the Holy Scriptures and connect the events of that time with the present day. In this work, which has been going on for over ten years, the artist attempts to give his personal visual commentary on the fundamental facts of Jewish history. But he does so using language of modern art. This combination of a traditional approach to the text and the search for unconventional visual solutions creates the opportunity for the viewer not only to plunge into biblical history, but also to try to unravel the hints and prophecies, transferred from the Biblical text into the fabric of visual series.
This exhibition is about the connection between past and present. According to Jewish tradition, “We all stood under Mount Sinai” – and in Schelest's archaic images we recognize modern Israelis that we meet every day on the streets of Jerusalem, Hebron, Tel Aviv or Haifa.
The artist works using the monotype technique, as well as acrylic painting on paper and canvas, which best meet his goals.
Shmuel Schelest was born in 1957 in Kyiv, Ukraine. He graduated from the Kiev Institute of Fine Arts, as well as the Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts. In 2006 he repatriated to Israel. Today he lives in Maale Adumim and works in Jerusalem.
Participated in 25 personal and numerous group exhibitions in Israel and many other countries, such as in Uzbekistan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Holland, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, France.
Gadi Boleslavsky, Dina Bova and Marina Schelest.
Adress: Shenhav 153, Shaar Efraim
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After the opening, it's possible to visit any day. We're making a guided tour to the exhibition and also to BoHouse private art collection.
The tour lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. Minimum 4 people.
To schedule a visit please call 052-5092193 , Gadi
Admission ticket: 50 NIS using BIT on 052-5092193 or cash.